Retro Gamer No. 159 (Digital)
Retro Gamer magazine, as the title suggests, is one of the only dedicated video game magazines that bring their readers back to the golden gaming days. If titles such as Super Mario, Half-Life, Doom Original, and Star Wars Knights of The Old Republic, tug at your heartstrings, this magazine is something to behold. Crafted by a dedicated team of editors and video gamers with extensive knowledge and experience, each issue of the Retro Gamer is almost guaranteed to give you the urge to dust off the old Nintendo 64 and rescue Princess Peach for the 11th time.
History of Retro Gamer
With the first 18 issues of the magazine featuring a complimentary and signature cover disk, Retro Gamer magazine began its publication history in 2004. Within each physical cover, there were free demos/trials to retro video games and emulators. In September of 2005, the publishing company that owned Retro Gamer magazine filed for bankruptcy. Over the next two months, the company was suspended in a state of limbo. It was then that Imagine Publishing purchased the rights to Retro Gamer and revitalized the magazine. Since then, the magazine has continually celebrated the retro-age video games that would define digital entertainment forever.
The Playstation, Nintendo 64, and the Atari are just a few big names that are touched on in every page of The Retro Gamer magazine. If you’ve ever blown away the Bydo Empire in R-Type, swung Bowser by the tail and into oblivion with Mario in Super Mario 64, or crawled through Matthew Smith’s Manic Miner, then this is the magazine for you. The magazine gives readers and gamers deep-dive looks into classic video games and historical franchises, behind-the-scenes glimpses of retro software, and one-on-one exclusive interviews with industry legends such as Hideo Kojima. Stylish, entertaining, and wholly nostalgic, Retro Gamer is the ultimate guide to video gaming’s rich and diverse history.
What to Expect: The Retro Gamer Digital Magazine + DiscountMags
With DiscountMags, enthusiasts of the retro gaming era are treated to digital issues of the Retro Gamer magazine for the best prices on the Internet. If you are looking for your retro game dose and to experience a blast to the past, this magazine is specially made for you.